Saving the Planet, One Zero Waste Product at a Time

Nobody is surprised to find that the Earth is in a highly critical condition at the moment. Global warming, air pollution, and waste disposal are major environmental concerns that we need to keep an eye on. Different countries have already implemented environmentally friendly laws to try to save the planet in this time of crisis. “What can I do to help?” you may ask. You can start with these five small but highly impactful changes. 

1. Use a reusable shopping bag. A research study done in 2015 by National Geographic estimates that 8 million metric tons of plastic ends up in the ocean every year. In a year, the trash you can save by using one single reusable bag is 170 plastic bags. Imagine the difference. 

2. A reusable water bottle. Let’s face it, plastic water bottles are the more convenient choice but they are super harmful. By using one reusable water bottle, you can save up to 167 plastic water bottles in one year. 

3. A metal straw. One metal straw accumulates to 540 plastic straws in one year. 0.03% of total plastic waste by mass in the ocean is from plastic straws, although it’s small, it’s a big step in the right direction. 

4. Use energy-efficient light bulbs. If every house did this, it would reduce pollution comparable to removing 1 million cars from the road.

5. Buy essentials in bulk to cut down on packaging and driving to the store, and store them in reusable containers. 

Although these five changes won’t simply reverse the problem with our environment, it’s a good start. “The people who make the biggest difference are the ones who do the little things consistently” – Katrina Mayer.