The Mesmerizing Maine Murals


Feeling stir-crazy in the clutches of this pandemic? Consider driving down Frisco’s Maine Street- here you will find vibrant murals vividly illustrating the beauty of the absent normalcy of past life. With paintings displaying everything from the glorious Frisco Public Library to athletes and joyous crowds, these paintings have quickly become a staple of the lively Downtown Frisco. Best yet however, two of Memorial’s very own warriors were a part of the ingenious project.


Those who are familiar with Downtown Frisco will immediately recognize Countdown 2 Escape, the escape room service that challenges customers to scratch their brain for innovative ways out of their allotted confinement. Now, the building will forever be etched into the brain of passersby, thanks to the expansive mural decorated on the backside of it. In a collaborative effort between various Frisco high schools, including Tate Bladon of Wakeland, as well as Oakey Cardwell and Sarvesh Chidabaram from Memorial, the group got together on October 17th to paint a giant train with the numbers ‘2020’ on it. 


Of course, undertaking this project also meant that all those involved still had to be mindful of the pandemic. Participators wore masks and were mindful of social distancing during the entire event, even posing for a photo with their respective masks still in place.


In the end, the product was not only a dazzling mural, but a chance to be around peers and have fun when both opportunities are increasingly rare. The creativity displayed by these teens shows that innovative spirit will not be stifled by any pandemic, but will live on through the walls of the now colorfully spectacular buildings on Maine Street.