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The deadline to request for a 2019-2020 course change is Wednesday, May 1st. It is the

last opportunity to make changes, to the courses you’re taking next year.

The following courses though are not offered next year: American Sign Language I &II, Travel and Tourism Management, Survey of Information Technology, Livestock Production, Food Science, Aquatics, and Astronomy. Also, classes such as Intro to Culinary Arts, Photojournalism, Teen Leadership, and Psychology are now closed.

If you’re looking for an elective course, MHS counselors suggest ​Creative Writing, AP

Chemistry, Sociology, Survey of Business, Marketing, and Finance, AP Environmental Science, Business Law, TV Broadcast, Child Development, AP European History, Outdoor Education, or Computer Maintenance.

There are a variety of courses offered, so take advantage of the opportunities. Furthermore, it is important that you take classes that you are interested in and/ or are relative to the choice of your major or career.

Lastly, make sure to check if you have every credit you need for graduation. Sign on up this google document and email your counselors if you have further questions: tJhiU4UgQqYA/viewform​.