Frisco ISD, Upcoming Testing Opportunities


As the school year carries on, tests are indeed coming up. Such as, the SAT, PSAT, and even the ACT exam, provided by the college board and the ACT organizations. Now, the SAT will indeed be offered on August

29th, September 26th, October 3rd, November 7th and even on December 5th. While the PSAT exam will occur strictly on October 14th, during the school day.  Then, the ACT exam will be offered on September

12th, October 24th and even on the 12th of December. The College Board and Khan Academy have also partnered to provide students with free SAT test preparation, and even The Act Organization provides free

online ACT preparation, through the ACT Academy.

 Now, for the SAT and PSAT test takers, some rules and regulations are that all students and staff for one are required to wear masks and be six feet apart at all times. Also, in order to take the test you have to agree

that in the past 14 days, you have not come in close contact with anyone that has been diagnosed with Covid-19 , and you have no potential symptoms of the virus. Students are required to bring their own masks to

the test  center, and all mobile phones will be collected during testing times, students will also need an ID and a printed admission ticket at all times. During the exams, students will be allowed breaks, allowing

them to  consume a drink and/or snack while standing behind their desks and students will be allowed to the bathroom in a controlled manner, to continue social distancing. There also is no option to test virtually

for the SAT or PSAT exam, as soon as the tests are over, virtual academy students will need to leave campus. Although there is an online option for the ACT exam. Anyways, for the PSAT/ SAT exam, plan to be on

campus, in your testing room by 8;45am because testing does indeed begin at 9am. Good luck on your future tests!