Black History Month Spotlight: Harriet Tubman


Happy Black History Month! Today I just wanted to talk about one of my personal favorite black history figures, who indeed did a lot for our country. Her name is Harriet Tubman, who was born around 1820 on a plantation, in Dorchester County, Maryland. She indeed had 8 siblings, and her two parents known as Rit & Benjamin. She later on at age 5, was rented as a nursemaid, where she was whipped when the baby cried, giving her many emotional and physical scars. It was torture. She, later on, was rented out to a planter.

 Anyways, Harriet’s desire for Justice came to her around age 12, when she spotted an overseer about to throw weight at a fugitive. She then stepped between the two and the weight struck her very harshly in the head. It indeed broke her skull. Her good deed left her with headaches, hallucinations, vivid dreams, and narcolepsy for the rest of her life. It made her very unattractive to slave buyers and renters.

  Later in 1840, Harriet’s father was set free, with Harriet’s old owner having said Harriet and her family could be free aswell. But, her new owner refused to set them free. Later on, in 1844, Harriet married a man named John Tubman. He was a free black man. They did not indeed have a good marriage, and when she heard that two of her brothers were going to be sold, she started to plan an escape.

  On September 17th, 1849, Harriet and two of her brothers escaped the Maryland plantation. But, later on, her brothers changed their minds and went back. Harriet then with the help of the Underground Railroad, 90 miles North to Pennslyvania and freedom. She soon then returned though, because she was not satisfied without her loved ones being freed aswell. She then returned South and brought her niece and niece’s children over to freedom, in Philadelphia by using the Underground railroad. She had tried to free her husband aswell but he had remarried and stayed in Maryland.

 Later on, the Fugitive Slave Act was passed. Which meant fugitive and freed slaves in the North could be captured and enslaved. That indeed made Harriet’s job a lot harder. She later on befriended many of the abolitionists and they made their own Underground Railroad network.

  Harriet indeed led her enslaved parents to freedom along with at least 70 others being led to freedom by her aswell. Along with her instructing dozens of people on how to escape on their own. She also, later on, helped work for the Union Army, helping enslaved people. She indeed did a lot to help lead us to the end of slavery, saving many lives.

  After she had grown older, she indeed decided to settle in New York with her friends and family. With her getting married to a man known as, Nelson Davis. They adopted one daughter. As, Harriet continued to do much more as her days went on, helping us very much through the fight to end slavery. She later passed in 1913, due to Pneumonia. She will be forever remembered as a very extravagant historical figure for our world to remember.